Tuesday, March 31, 2009

It hurts so good...

I am officially a victim of this era we call the "Recession"....as of Friday, I have joined the ranks of the unemployed, searching and hoping for a bright spot at the end of the tunnel.

However, although it hurts to be out of work, in my case, this hurt is overshadowed by the good that is slowly being unearthed from the wreckage.

In short, my job sucked. Well, I take that back.....there were nice things about it (some of my co-workers, the area I worked in, the kids I got to see each day...)

But, other than that, my job sucked.

SOOOO, I'm actually glad for the change. Glad for a fresh start. Glad for the chance to possibly work closer to home, to possibly make more money, to possibly have a better boss.

I like these possibilities...so I'm sticking with the glass half full metaphor, and forging on into the world of job searching once again.

It's good to be back.

much love,

1 comment:

Flower Mound Mom said...

The glass half full metaphor is one your father has lived by and the one I have strived to live by, many times unsuccessfully. I am glad you are looking at this positively. I truly believe God has you in His strong, loving hands right now. I look forward to the future.